About Ghana...
Ghana has a population slightly larger than that of Australia but an annual Gross Domestic Product more than thirty-five times less. With many villages throughout the country having limited access to healthy drinking water, hospitals and basic sanitation; improving the current education system would not appear to be a priority.
However, the Ghanaian government is trying to improve standards. On average, it allocates a greater proportion of funding per annum to education (5.8% of GDP) compared with Australia (4.4%) however with such a wide disparity in national income (as highlighted in Figure 1), the disadvantage is clear and the possibility of major educational change in Ghana, without assistance from the developed world, seems extremely unlikely.
Currently the state of resourcing in most Ghanaian schools is quite pitiful. With substantial budgetary constraints already in the education sector, groups of students share tattered old text books, they sit squashed at cracked, broken desks, have limited access to toilets or fresh water and have very few resources to make their educational experience enjoyable.
(World Bank 2008)